If you, like me, always visited restaurants and enjoyed a relaxed time with friends and family around a delicious meal, you probably dream about doing the same thing again after you have kids.
While the whole restaurant experience change completely after we have a baby, it’s still possible to enjoy it and slowly teach our little ones to also enjoy this moment together.
Here are a few tips from a foodie parent to another to enjoy the most of the experience:
1. Although 3 course meal seams tempting it can get very long for your child, specially if restaurant visits are not part of their routine so I suggest ordering only main and dessert or choosing sharing starters to come with the main and then you can always decide spontaneously for a dessert. It will speed up a bit and children will taste a bit of everything.
2. Don’t order kids meal, specially not before your own meal. If children are not hungry and looking forward for food, there’s nothing that will keep them interested on the table while you eat your food. Besides, we want to teach our bundle of joy to taste different foods and if they have chicken nuggets in front of them, why they would even dare to try something new??
3. Try to always associate restaurant day with something kids enjoy. Playground just after the meal, bike riding, watching movie together, special dessert in the restaurant or a small gift are just a few examples… Whatever it helps to create a good overall experience to them!
4. Tell your kids in advance where you are going, what’s expected from them, what is the fun about this place and what you will do after. They understand more then we imagine!
5. Obvious to some but always good reminder: chose a relaxed, casual restaurant! No point to go this fancy 3 stars Michelin with a kid that is not yet used to restaurants. You will get stressed, the LO will be frustrated and no one will enjoy it.
With all being said, remember that kids are kids and if people are bothered by a happy child laughing loud or being a bit messy, that’s not your problem! It’s all part of a learning process that can be hard at times but very fun.
And if you would like to know what restaurants are very kids friendly in Luxembourg, comment with a little smile and we will post very soon a list for you to test with your tiny joyful creatures!